
o the attention of the visitors and tourists in the municipality!!!
The Devil's bridge hiking trail is passable only till you reach the Devil's bridge landmark by the path starting from the village of Borino. Continuing further (after the Devil's bridge) in the direction of Yagodina is extremely risky and is not recommended. 
The trail is undergoing major renovations
To the attention of the visitors and tourists in the municipality!!!
The Devil's bridge hiking trail is passable only till you reach the Devil's bridge landmark by the path starting from the village of Borino. Continuing further (after the Devil's bridge) in the direction of Yagodina is extremely risky and is not recommended. 
The trail is undergoing major renovations!
To the attention of the visitors and tourists in the municipality!!!
The Devil's bridge hiking trail is passable only till you reach the Devil's bridge landmark by the path starting from the village of Borino. Continuing further (after the Devil's bridge) in the direction of Yagodina is extremely risky and is not recommended. 
The trail is undergoing major renovations!

To the attention of the visitors and tourists in the municipality!!!

The Devil's bridge hiking trail is passable only till 

you reach the Devil's bridge landmark by the path starting from the village of Borino. 

Continuing further (after the Devil's bridge) 

in the direction of Yagodina is extremely risky and is not recommended.
The trail is undergoing major renovations!

Last edited pages
  • Nowina
    Date: 01/12/2010

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